Welcome to the new site – dedicated to my Patron Saint of Nomenclature, Nina Simone. Not a jazz fan? Well, never mind. A few big thank you’s – two really. My brother set all of this up for me – in the midst of running his own company, participating in Vegas Trade Shows, having two baby daughters, and owning a horse-dog. I am convinced that only about 8% of people who want to host sites on the internet actually have the skills to do it. My brother is one of the few who carry this burden. And I thank him.

I also want to thank my college friend, Matt. Three years ago we were standing in my kitchen during Homecoming Weekend and he told me I should “write more on the blog. You know, people want to hear what you have to say not just look at your pictures.” I timidly began to take his advice. Looking back on my transition to motherhood, there were parts of me that I kind of lost track of along the way. As crazy awkward as it feels to admit, this medium has helped me find my voice again. Life Lesson: Encourage people. They may not even realize how hungry they are for it.

So there is more to fine tune, but I just needed to get this up and move on with my life – child neglect was eminent. I hate a blog that goes on and on about itself so to compensate here are some favorite links from last week:

My sister posted her book list from the past year. An incredible book recommender, Ruthie beats Amazon’s instincts every time. (They have been recommending The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding for me for five years straight.)

Shauna Niequist shares incredibly tender thoughts on infertility, longing, and having enough. I had the opportunity to meet Shauna last Fall and we had a brief talk about the power of being thankful that I often think about. Read this if you have ever wanted anything.

Finally, for you productive ones out there, Hollywood Housewife did a great post on life in increments– an organizational strategy for getting things done. I’ve been implementing this and a few days this week actually managed to close all my kitchen cabinets before leaving the house.

It’s 12:15 and I hear a wailing child. Good Night Moon.

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