As in today. Or yesterday, by the time those of you with healthy bedtimes read this…

It’s the Pageboy with the side bangs. I think I’ve had this look before.

But this time, this is what I wanted:

Then how did I end up here? With a look Travis concedes is “admittedly masculine?”

Let’s back up to Sunday afternoon:

N: I’m in a dark place of despair.

T: Oh.

N: (enumerates reasons for despair all so significant she cannot recall them at this time.)

T: (gentle encouragement)

N: Yeah. What I really think I need is a haircut.

I love to get my haircut. I’m not sure why but I think it might go back to my childhood when our family hairdresser came to our house and trimmed all of our bangs around the kitchen counter. When haircuts became an outing, I became obsessed.

The other obstacle (among numerous) hindering me from achieving this:

is that I love my hair to look different. I hate the “just take 3 inches off the bottom” cut. There’s no drama in that. No suspense.

And this time, I just waited too long. I hadn’t gotten my haircut since July. Instead of making an appointment and a plan, I freaked out, walked in and did something drastic. The Stylist did a great job. It’s a great cut, that we agreed on together. I just forgot somehow in mentioning fervently and manically that I needed something “different and short”, that I also wanted to look like Taylor Swift.

Things you should not be thinking if you are pleased with your haircut:

1.)  It will look better as soon as I put on more make up.

2. ) What this cut needs is a nice pair of Aviators, worn constantly.

But, wait, scroll back up. I think my bangs and Taylor’s bangs totally match. Oh no, wait. My hair is the length of her bangs.

Oy vey. I need a new vice.

17 thoughts on “The Day I Freaked Out and Cut off All of My Hair.

  1. all this and no picture? I am sure it looks great . . . and, I, too, LOVE getting my hair cut. Love it. 🙂 And, even with a great cut, I think that make up, a new pair of earrings, and styling it yourself do wonders. I am sure you are as beautiful as ever! 🙂


  2. but no haircut photo??

    i’ve been there. it took me a month to send a photo to my sister. i did it this past fall – no warning to myself or to spencer. spencer’s response: “is that real?”


  3. I once walked into Supercuts 15 minutes before they closed; there were no other customers. The one employee told me they were closed–we argued the fact. I threw down the “if you want to leave exactly at 5, you should close at 4:30″…and I knew I had won the argument. He said, “fine, sit down”. In less than 10 minutes, I received the WORST HAIRCUT EVER! In related advice, never argue at the drive-thru PRIOR to receiving your Big Mac…


  4. Seriously Neen without a actual photo of your new hair, this post is dead to me. Please remember “the Pelt” of 2001, which as Allyson so accurately put it “made my head look smaller,” but otherwise ruined my life entirely.

    Also, you have delicate, feminine features and great coloring. You couldn’t look masculine if you tried.

    Much love.


  5. I must see this hair at once! And my friend Allison got her hair cut so short one time they actually used clippers on the back. She still claims is the shortest & worst cut she ever had because she looked like a middle school boy. Just hold that image in your mind when you are hating your cut…it could be worse.


  6. Wait, your hair was short to begin with. How can you get a haircut that looks like Taylor’s when her hair is 4x longer? But hey, I’m a big fan of the cathartic haircut. I’m still dealing with the curly bangs that prove it.


  7. The DAY BEFORE 6th or 7th grade I begged my mom to get a haircut, I wanted it to be short and sassy. She insisted that I wait and we will get a proper haircut at a SALON. I insisted that I had to get it TODAY so we went to hair cuttery and I looked like THIS:

    I was 12.


  8. I’ve always loved getting new hairstyles too! I’ve always said it’s the one thing you can change about yourself. When I turned 40 my husband chronicled my life by showcasing my many haircuts and dye jobs. I was thinking of going to my hairstylist tomorrow and asking for something “new and different”. I think God might be trying to tell me something!


  9. Okay, how short? Did they have to razor the baby hairs on the back of your neck? If there’s no photo, I at least need some specific description.

    Go see the love of my life. Jonathan will convince you to love it no matter what. And if that doesn’t work, he can put in some Ariel extensions.

    On another note, a little part of my soul has died and I’m growing my hair out. I’m envious of your hair adventure!


  10. For a picture: please see Aly’s comment above with the attached picture. Thank you Aly, for your vulnerability and internet research.


  11. HAHAHAA – Aly! Hilarious. And Nina, I mean COME ON. This is a riot. You and Supercuts…. you just can’t give up the adrenaline rush, can you? But I do not sit and judge; more than once I’ve let Young Life girls and Young Life Girls’ moms cut my hair because I’m cheap. Those evenings always ended with tears and Phish Food (thank you Ben and Jerry’s). Give us a photograph, please.


  12. Oh Nina! I have seen you and this haircut. “Admittedly masculine”?? Poppycock! Love it! Embrace it – because it looks great. If you are still suffering from haircutters remorse, think of me ca. 2003, walking into an edgy salon in Boston, holding a picture of Halle Berry winning the Oscar for Monsters Ball and asking for her haircut. And I got it. Two words: Definitely Masculine.


    1. Oh Stacy…the next door neighbor who can debunk my internet drama. I too wanted that Halle Berry look, than I realized that maybe I just wanted to look like Halle Berry? And no haircut wasn’t going to get me there. Perhaps this episode provides the same lesson…


  13. Oh, Nina… if you knew what I did years ago to get a “new look”….you’d LOVE your new look:

    When I was a Jr. in college…(we are talkin’ mid-80’s here)…I thought it was time for a new look. No more of this plain, straight hair. I decided to get a perm….you know “just a body wave.” I wanted loose curls like “Jennifer Hart” in Hart to Hart (okay…so now I’m REALLY dating myself). Well…I think the stylist thought I meant Jennifer BEAL of “Flash Dance”….because I got totally kinky curls!!! My roommate tried to console me….choking out, “Uh…it looks…nice.” The morning after this horrible event…I woke up and said a prayer, “Please Lord, let it all have been just a bad dream. Please let my hair be back to being smooth when I touch it.” Well…when I touched it…I just cried. It’s the only time I’ve ever cried over my hair! I scolded myself, “See?! Chinese hair is meant to be STRAIGHT!” And my hair was so thick…it was all I could do to contain that mass of crazy kinky hair! It didn’t help that my college was right off of Lake Ontario….where the winds are strong. I’d come in from outside…and my hair would still be standing straight out in the direction it last blew!! So I tried to keep my hair under control by putting it in a bun….but that did nothing for my kinky bangs that stood out in a big puff! I looked like a poodle!

    So! Liking your new do any better?? 🙂


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